1955  Born in Beijing

1979  Graduated from the Art Department of Beijing Normal University,    Beijing

1987  Completed the Graduate Program at the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing

 A Member of China Artists Association

 Now Lives and Works in Beijing and Anhui


Since 2017 the work “Four Seasons” is part of the permanent collection of the China National Centre for the Performing Arts. Hong Ling’s landscapes are made using many changing techniques, and such variations can be seen in his arbitrary change of perspective, showing an ambiguity in the composition which is either transparent and discernible or indistinguishable. Breaking through the traditional concept of “scenery”, the landscapes he paints always contain the remains of natural objects. Splashes of paint are matched with the linear water-ink texture method; size, urgency, significance, or application, come from the Western Abstract Expressionism, but display the aesthetic of the Eastern traditional ink-painting. Earlier than other Chinese artists in his generation, Hong Ling was invited to participate the Venice Biennale both in 1997 and 2011, and in 2016 he launched a two-year world tour. The “spectacle” content in Hong Ling’s balanced differentiation allow to establish a common art system between East and West, tradition and modernity.